Just Desserts will be held on September 11, 2021 at Creekside Place.
Just Desserts - Volunteer Recognition
Evansville Community Partnership Accepting Nominations
To Recognize Local Volunteers
Many folks in the greater Evansville area volunteer their time at our schools, for community projects, in civic organizations, churches and with city committees. There are also those quiet volunteers without any affiliations who give their time and talent to those in need. All this giving helps create a healthier community and a positive spirit from which we all benefit.
Every other year, the Evansville Community Partnership hosts the "Just Desserts" Volunteer Recognition Event. This event is a wonderful time to acknowledge individuals, organizations or businesses who give of their time and energy to help make Evansville a great place to live. The event is always scheduled on September 11th to honor all those who gave their lives in 2001. September 11th is also National Volunteerism Day. The event will be held on Saturday, September 11th from 6-8 pm at Creekside Place.
If you would like to nominate someone, an organization or business, please complete a nomination form and either mail or e-mail to the address below:
Mail to: Evansville Community Partnership (ECP), PO Box 691, Evansville, WI. 53536
Drop off: at 15 Antes Drive, Evansville, WI 882-0598
Email: [email protected]
Nominations are due by: August 23, 2021
Just Desserts is free and open to everyone in the community. Dessert and refreshments will be served. The event will recognize all volunteerism in our community with special awards given to honor those who have gone above and beyond. Those selected among the nominations will receive a "Just Desserts" award.
ECP invites nominations of individuals, businesses, organizations, youth, seniors, and anyone who gives their time and talents to our community. This can include businesses that volunteer or support volunteers in the community as well as individuals who take it upon themselves to help others. We encourage nominations from a large cross-section of our community. The selection process will take place later in August after the nominations are closed. Anyone can submit a nomination form. The deadline for submitting a nomination is August 23rd. Nomination forms are available at www.ecp-wi.org or by email at [email protected].
For more information or to have a nomination form emailed to you, contact Jim Brooks at the Evansville Community Partnership office, 882-0598 or at [email protected].
To Recognize Local Volunteers
Many folks in the greater Evansville area volunteer their time at our schools, for community projects, in civic organizations, churches and with city committees. There are also those quiet volunteers without any affiliations who give their time and talent to those in need. All this giving helps create a healthier community and a positive spirit from which we all benefit.
Every other year, the Evansville Community Partnership hosts the "Just Desserts" Volunteer Recognition Event. This event is a wonderful time to acknowledge individuals, organizations or businesses who give of their time and energy to help make Evansville a great place to live. The event is always scheduled on September 11th to honor all those who gave their lives in 2001. September 11th is also National Volunteerism Day. The event will be held on Saturday, September 11th from 6-8 pm at Creekside Place.
If you would like to nominate someone, an organization or business, please complete a nomination form and either mail or e-mail to the address below:
Mail to: Evansville Community Partnership (ECP), PO Box 691, Evansville, WI. 53536
Drop off: at 15 Antes Drive, Evansville, WI 882-0598
Email: [email protected]
Nominations are due by: August 23, 2021
Just Desserts is free and open to everyone in the community. Dessert and refreshments will be served. The event will recognize all volunteerism in our community with special awards given to honor those who have gone above and beyond. Those selected among the nominations will receive a "Just Desserts" award.
ECP invites nominations of individuals, businesses, organizations, youth, seniors, and anyone who gives their time and talents to our community. This can include businesses that volunteer or support volunteers in the community as well as individuals who take it upon themselves to help others. We encourage nominations from a large cross-section of our community. The selection process will take place later in August after the nominations are closed. Anyone can submit a nomination form. The deadline for submitting a nomination is August 23rd. Nomination forms are available at www.ecp-wi.org or by email at [email protected].
For more information or to have a nomination form emailed to you, contact Jim Brooks at the Evansville Community Partnership office, 882-0598 or at [email protected].
Celebrating the Best That Evansville Has To Offer
2003 Honorees
Betsy Ahner
Janice Anderson Baker Manufacturing Margaret & Gordon Brigham Thea Brunsell Evansville Auto Auction Ruth Ann Montgomery The Night Owl Piggly Wiggly Lauren Scott UB & T Julie Redders Terri Roessler Roger Roth Dale Schulz Jeff & Duke Farnsworth Pat Kuelz Dennis Hughes 2009 Honorees
Ron Buttchen
Butch Beedle Diana Eager Evansville EMS Joe Francis John Gishnock Keith Henning Dick Tarnutzer/ Lake Mills Cleaners Tajali Theresa Tolan Gib Wiedenhoeft Woodchucks / Primetimers Angela Wyse Tony & Jean Wyse Joe Hoffman Nancy & Phil Kress Refuse 2 Bruise – Committee David Ross Donna Kuelz Ann Larson |
2005 Honorees
Zac Beaver
Gene and Karen Bass Shelley Bisch Tom and Mary Calley John and Sandy Decker Amy Eager Kelly and Bob Mosher Jennie Nehls Mike and Brenda Nicholson John Rasmussen The Evansville Weight Room Supervisors Molly Hicks Russell Jeske Millie Tait Tracey Shea Gil Skinner Dee Losey 2011 Honorees
Ron DeKelver
Jim Brooks Kyle Allen John Decker Sue Berg Dorothy Helgesen Vonnie Hatlen Jim & Jean Kopecky Harlin Miller Cheryl Mani Chris Eager John Morning Melissa Schnepper Wally Shannon Greg Kuelz Ron Grovesteen Heidi Carvin Lisa & Matthias James Phil Woodworth and the Barn Quilt Committee Rally ‘Round the Flag Civil War event planners/sponsors Museum Docents of the Historic Baker Building Evansville FFA Alumni Larson Acres Union Bank & Trust Company |
2007 Honorees
Molly Hicks
Kathy Buttchen Christia Hunt & Sue Wilbur Sandi Konkel Janet Konopacki LaVerne Krueger Jack & Dorothy McElroy Middle School Special Needs Students Lilas Miller Dave’s ACE Hardware Marsha Dobbs Wally Shannon Elaine Strassburg John & Barb Willoughby Diego Ojeda Lynn Olson Tina & David Rossmiller Ruth & Erin Savask Debbie Schneider Chris Ehle 2013 Honorees
Judy Bratzke
Rod Courtier David Jeans Marie Messinger Sandy Spanton Nelson Sue Farnsworth Jon Frey Francette Hamilton Ann Larson Jennean Hamilton Randy Peters Pam Keisler Lynn Olson Carole Sturz Pieces, Clutter, and Quilts Jay Wood David Rossmiller Jackie Trawicki Baker Manufacturing |
2015 Honorees |
2017 Honorees |
2019 Honorees |
Joe Kluever
Kris Connoly Chris Streber & Bob Kuha Mary Bartlett Halina Zakowicz Isaiah Janisch Aliye Gallagher Marissa Haegele Ray Simmonsen Mary Wiedenhoeft Justin Schott Dan Winter Jolene & David Klitzman Cheryl Fuchs Building A Safer Evansville Roberta Shaw |
Arthur Wynne
Doc Rhoda Juna Nimz Julie Hermanson Scott Frederickson Douglas Neely Helen Thomas Catherine Willoughby Heidi Carvin Barb Andrew Gordie Andrew Michelle Allen Tammy & Louie Patrick Reese Courtney Bergsma SADD |
Sandy Gier Thompson
Mike Pfeil Ashley Sendelbach Johnson Dulcie Bergsma Melani & Andy Phillips Mike Czerwonka Tom Kerkenbush Janice Tiedt Brian & Anne Reece Angela Kadlec Jeanna Blume Rose Jenke Barbara Buttchen Debra Jorgensen Dave Wickstrum ECSD Nature Center Vol |
If every American donated five hours a week, it would equal the labor of 20 million full-time volunteers. --Whoopi Goldberg